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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 德国Interstuhl办公椅Axos 364A人体工学椅|品牌椅|进口办公椅|世界名椅|酒店椅
德国Interstuhl办公椅Axos 364A人体工学椅|品牌椅|进口办公椅|世界名椅|酒店椅
产品: 浏览次数:134德国Interstuhl办公椅Axos 364A人体工学椅|品牌椅|进口办公椅|世界名椅|酒店椅 
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-11-09 19:12

“德国Interstuhl办公椅Axos 364A人体工学椅|品牌椅|进口办公椅|世界名椅|酒店椅”参数说明

颜色: 黑色 框架: 金属
面料: 真皮 内部填充物: 高弹泡沫海绵
风格: 欧式 品牌: 德国Interstuhl办公椅
型号: Axos 364A

“德国Interstuhl办公椅Axos 364A人体工学椅|品牌椅|进口办公椅|世界名椅|酒店椅”详细介绍


Interstuhl is an independent, owner-run family company. Today's owners are Werner Link (Managing Director), the sons Joachim Link (Managing Director, Production and Logistics) and Helmut Link (Managing Director, Sales), and his sister Lenore Link.

The independence of the company, with its craft based traditional heritage and focus on personal relationship with clients and market partners are fundamental elements of Interstuhl, both now and for the future.People today spend a lot of time seated. This requires the highest level of expertise in the manufacture of chairs. “Seating knowledge: our advantage” is our motto. We are a German company, developing high quality chairs for offices and buildings, which we sell around the world. Our production facilities are located 1 hour south of Stuttgart. Our products are characterised by exceptional design, excellent ergonomics, state-of-the-art technology and a high degree of environmental awareness. It is vitally important for us to bring our knowledge to bear in all areas of work and life and to develop a collection that has great breadth: for every use, in every price segment, from the reception area to the boardroom. On the following pages we will show you the lengths we go to make the perfect chair. 

Axos 细节描述
Perfect lines

Dynamic motion

Interesting juxtaposition of materials: perfectly crafted leather and chrome

Perfect manufacturing details

Axos 效果展示:

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