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厦门澳为尔餐饮管理有限公司是一家致力于将咖啡、西点西餐饮食及西方文化原滋原味引进中国,公司创始人来自澳大利亚的乔治·基尼斯先生从事咖啡西餐行业已有30年,澳为尔集咖啡的生产、加工、销售,咖啡师培训,西厨西点培训,私人餐饮高端定制,品牌运作管理及食品技术服务为一体,把中西文化完美结合。目前,旗下拥有澳为尔AA级阿拉比卡咖啡豆及咖啡胶囊产品系列,为广大西式餐饮文化的爱好者提供最优质的咖啡来源。Xiamen Ourview Catering Management Co.,LTD is a western company dedicated to introducing a range of quality products and services to China.Our manufacturing factory produces coffee capsules that use AA grade organic coffee.Training and after sales service are available.Wholesale coffee beans and Swiss chocolate is also provided together with a huge range of commercial coffee machines.The founder of the company Mr George Ghinis from Australia has over 30 years experience in coffee,food management and teaching area which are 4 courses available:(1)certified Barista course.(2)Certified western cakes(3... [详细介绍]