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广东湿喷机厂家 600/700湿喷机厂家 湿喷机价格 隧道湿喷机厂家 防爆湿喷机厂家 泵送湿喷机厂家

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-12-19 01:13
浏览次数: 66

“广东湿喷机厂家 600/700湿喷机厂家 湿喷机价格 隧道湿喷机厂家 防爆湿喷机厂家 泵送湿喷机厂家”参数说明

是否有现货: 认证: ISO9001
品牌: 深圳市壹佳壹实业有限公司 自动程度: 自动
类型: 喷锚设备 喷涂方式: 高效低压
型号: HS 规格: 600/700
商标: 深圳市壹佳壹实业有限公司 包装: 207*1000*1200

“广东湿喷机厂家 600/700湿喷机厂家 湿喷机价格 隧道湿喷机厂家 防爆湿喷机厂家 泵送湿喷机厂家”详细介绍

HS-600/700 type wet spraying machine is a new generation of concrete wet spraying machine Yijiayi industrial and German ISAI companies jointly developed, the wet spraying machine with rotor piston cam feed mechanism principle, the technology in the world advanced level, has the following three important structural and functional characteristics:
1、Anti sticking technology: the piston in the machine is forced to pump feed and completely solve the problem of material sticking in the material cavity;
2、Uniform, thin and thin flow technology: three material cavities are fed at the same time, so that the plastic clay pipe can be transported evenly, thin and thin;
3、Adding and controlling technology of accelerator: metering pump is accurate and adjustable, atomizing jet and nozzle high quality material flow, so that the mixture of accelerator and clay is even;
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