是否有现货: | 是 | 认证: | ISO9001质量体系认证欧盟CE认证 |
类型: | 台式 | 制冷方式: | 不制冷 |
水温: | 恒温 | 型号: | Hml-631-f |
规格: | 527*410*210mm | 商标: | Homay |
包装: | 珍珠棉包装 一米多高坠落毫发无损 | 10寸: | 527*410*210mm |
产量: | 88888 |
富氢水主要作用具有强还原性、清除体内自由基、有效改善亚健康体质。增强细胞活性及通透性、延缓衰老、增强皮肤弹性、预防色素沉着以及老年斑加速排泄有害物质、促进新陈代谢人体直接饮用带负电位的氢水,可中和人体自由基、消除人体中的氧化物质、对抗运动引起的血液酸化很有帮助。 The main effect of hydrogen rich water is strong reduction, removal of free radicals in the body, and effectively improve the sub healthy body. Enhance cell activity and permeability, anti-aging, enhance the skin elasticity, prevent pigmentation and senile plaques to accelerate the excretion of harmful substances, promote human metabolism directly drinking with negative potential of hydrogen water, neutralize free radicals in the body, eliminate the human body oxidation substances, against exercise induced acidification of the blood is very helpful.